. Idiot of the Day - Barrier Woman

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Idiot of the Day - Barrier Woman

Today's idiot is indeed an idiot. Picture a very busy tube station with hordes of people going through the barriers, bleeping their Oysters and feeding their tickets. Now, any reasonable person such as you or I would have their ticket or Oyster at the ready, but unfortunately, some people are not reasonable.

Queuing up to get through the barrier, the lady in front of me decided that the best time to get her ticket out, was right at the point of the barrier, meaning she spent a good 10 seconds going through her handbag to find the ticket. Of course this created a horrendous backlog of people and reduced the flow of movement to a crawl.

We all have had that moment when our Oyster doesn't work but this is far worse. Lady, you are my Idiot of the Day! (Cue streamers, balloons and banner).

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